Peace Sisters and Brothers,

I pray all is well with you!  The NBPC needs your help.  The following positions are open and need to be filled.  If you feel called and interested in the following positions please contact Thomas H. Priest, Jr. ( or your regional representative.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Chair – Finance Committee

Section 4:     FINANCE COMMITTEE:  The Finance Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members. It may be comprised of both Board and non-Board active members. The maximum size of the committee shall be determined by the Board. The chair of the Finance Committee shall be appointed by the President. The Treasurer and the Financial Administrator shall be ex-officio members, without vote. It shall be the duties of the Finance Committee to:

  • Develop and manage the annual budget. The annual budget shall be approved by the NBPC Board of Directors, ordinarily in January, and reported to the membership as part of the Board’s annual report.
  • Develop and provide oversight to an effective procedure for receiving and depositing membership dues and other funds for NBPC.
  • Provide oversight of matters related to securing and maintaining appropriate Insurance coverage for NBPC.
  • Provide oversight of the Treasurer, the Financial Administrator, the organization’s finances, financial procedures and other responsibilities assigned by the Board.
  • Review the Treasurer’s reports which shall be submitted monthly in writing to the Board showing income, expenditures and pending income.

Provide oversight of the Annual Financial Review process as indicated in Article XIV, Section 2

The Director of Chapter and Regional Development

THE DIRECTOR OF CHAPTER AND REGION DEVELOPMENT will serve as a resource to the Board of Directors of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus. Working in conjunction with the NBPC President, the Director of Chapter and Region Development will serve as coordinator of Regional Representatives, and provide advisory support and technical assistance to regional representatives/presidents and local chapters.  The scope of responsibilities is:

  1. To assist in confirming local and national infractions of social justice which require a referral statement and/or action by the caucus;
  2. To assist chapters and regions in the development and implementation of a comprehensive strategy for membership growth consistent with the unique spiritual, social, education and political needs of the region and chapter;
  3. To coordinate membership recruitment initiatives between the NBPC Membership Committee, Regional Representatives, and Chapters;
  4. To assist chapters and regions in the establishment of an infrastructure including but not limited to program planning, leadership development, regular meeting schedules, and annual calendar of events, membership roster, and communications, as appropriate;
  5. To assist chapters and regions in envisioning new relationships with mid­governing bodies of the PC (U.S.A.), to explore new partnerships for ministry through networking and leveraging with traditional and non-traditional partners;
  6. To serve as a member of the Board of Directors.[1]
  7. To identify opportunities for new chapters/regions and/or re-activation/reinstatement of chapters/regions with the assistance of Regional Representatives.

To ensure NBPC regions and chapters cover the contiguous United States and propose boundary adjustments, as necessary.
Thomas H. Priest, Jr.
President, NBPC
[1] See Membership Policies and Procedures, Section I, C.