August 9, 2020

Calvary greetings, Saints of the African Diaspora!

I greet you from Lusaka, Zambia, where I have chosen to shelter-in-place!

I send this email with the hopes and prayers that I may be invited to join one of your church’s virtual platform meetings. As you know, our church gatherings and meetings are being done differently in this new norm! I am available to assist with teaching a Bible study series; present a PowerPoint of the work I’ve been called to, providing an update to the work of our partners in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia. I can assist with a devotion for your session, PW, youth or mission committee meetings. I can read Scripture or do a Minute-of-Mission during your worship services.

Presently, I am leading a Bible study on the story Joseph and his brothers in light of the racial tension and injustice in the US with a church in Morristown, NJ. I’ve done Scripture readings and Minute-of-Mission recordings for worship services and devotionals for various meetings. I’ve done a PowerPoint presentation during a worship service; one for an Adult Sunday school and, another, for their evangelism and mission committee to assist with their discernment process and their responsibility to a global mission ministry. In addition, I attend mission network meetings for a couple of the countries I serve.

Let’s discuss how I may be able to talk about missiology and take your congregation on a journey to the countries that I serve! It would be my honor to share with your congregations, as we walk ,together, on this Christian journey in God’s mission field!
Attached is my profile (bio). In my signature, below, you will find a link to my PCUSA profile web page and my quarterly mission connection newsletters.

Stay safe! Stay healthy! “Prevention is the best cure!”

Your mission co-worker in the field!
Rev. Paula V. Cooper
PCUSA Regional Liaison for East Central Africa (Mission Co-worker)
Serving: Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia

Download Rev. Cooper’s recent World Mission article HERE or use the button below.