The Black Church and COVID-19: Faith Leaders Forum

The Black Church and COVID-19: Faith Leaders Forum

The objective of this event is to create a community of faith leaders who are equipped with the knowledge to explain the principles of viral spread and biosafety procedures to help navigate your parishioners through this very public outbreak of COVID-19 for FREE! Come with questions, leave with answers. We are extending an invitation to join us in this special event created specifically for and limited to Black Faith Community Leaders. To RSVP for this special event, please use the following link:

The Black Church and COVID-19 Faith Leaders Forum Registration 

Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NCCU | Holy Saturday Fine Arts Online Worship Experience • April 3, 2021

Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NCCU | Holy Saturday Fine Arts Online Worship Experience • April 3, 2021

Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NCCU | Holy Saturday Fine Arts Online Worship Experience • April 3, 2021 | Presbyterian Campus Ministry at NCCU is excited to invite National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC) members to our Holy Saturday Fine Arts online worship experience.  Our students have offered their talents to the glory of God for all the world to see. 

The video will premier on our website ( at 10 am on Saturday, April 3rd.  Please share this information to anyone and everyone who may be interested.

Thank you for your continued support of PCM NCCU!