A Message from Dr. Thelma C.D. Adair Leading Up To Her 102nd Birthday, August 29, 2022

On August 29, 2022, Dr. Thelma Cornelia Davidson Adair celebrates her 102nd birthday.

As recorded on the Presbyterian Historical Society site, Dr. Adair, was born in Iron Mountain, NC. She was educated at Barber-Scotia Junior College and Bennett College also in North Carolina. After marrying Presbyterian Minister and Missionary Eugene Adair, they moved to Harlem, NY in 1942 and raised their children. During this time, Mrs. Adair attended Teacher’s College at Columbia University. She then pursued her Ph.D. in Education and became a Professor at Queens College, University of the City of New York.

In the summer of 1976, Dr. Adair, Ruling Elder, was elected as the first African American Female Moderator of 188th General Assembly! Over the years Dr. Adair has inspired many in the church and in her passion for educating youth. Please lift a kind thought, a prayer, a Birthday wish for this formidable woman.

A Personal Message from Dr. Thelma Adair….

I miss all of you so much!

I remember with you times of the past when we were fighting battles that we were able to win. There are still many that must be won. We will be on the battlefield until we can yell “victory.”

I am overwhelmed with you that people remember me.

–  Message conveyed through Bettie Durrah, August 23, 2022, via telephone

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