Mission Coworker Jose L. Jones Updates

NBPC Family,

We share a letter from Mission Coworker Jose L. Jones that we ask that you read as we know that true global partnership is walking the path with our partners.

Afterwards, please SIGN UP for Jose’s periodic letters through the PCUSA website HERE or copy & paste the following link: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/missionconnections/jose-lamont-jones/.

Let’s collectively show how the NBPC supports our mission partners.


The NBPC Leadership Team



Photo: Remembering Christmas 2022 in Kinshasa (Evelin and her boys)


I hope this message finds you well! I am getting better…the pic-line has been removed but my blood tests show a need of improvement. I am able to walk with a cane (still scared of falling) and this past Sunday, was able to play the piano for the special music. I don’t have permission from my doctor to travel outside the United States but can travel relatively close in the United States. I will be here in Ohio during the Christmas season.

[In Congo,] we have successfully completed the school-initiated, pilot training in language and it was very popular! The teachers and principals found it to be very helpful and are hopeful that regular, more frequent training will be available. We only worked with 5 elementary schools though. There are about 45 elementary schools, [in the pilot program with which I work.]

The water bottle recycling project continues, although there have not been any heavy rains yet. The agency in charge of payment is a little bit shady, they are not paying the full (published) price. However, the schools are happy with something, as opposed to nothing, and continue to collect bottles. The benefit of avoiding the localized flooding helps motivate and keep things going…despite the disappointment that the program is not as lucrative as expected.

The teacher training in technology continues. Selected staff at KasaVubu and Yolo Sud are currently being trained in the same curriculum implemented with the staff at the secondary school at Anunga. My assistant, Barnabas, is developing a capacity at the sites by training the informatics teachers and secretaries in hopes of upgrading their ability to work remotely and transfer data (short term) and using more technology in their lessons and classrooms.

Finally, my Christmas greeting has been updated to my PCUSA Mission Co-worker website. It automatically is sent to those that have signed up to receive my connection letters. Have you signed up to be e-mailed my letters?

Blessings for a wonderful holiday season!



Click HERE or the above image to SIGN UP for Jose’s periodic letters through the PCUSA website.