The 226th General Assembly is Here!
Nehemiah 5:6-12a

Nehemiah’s anger had ripened against those of his community that had the responsibility, power, authority, resources, call, and most of all, the privilege of doing the right thing for the common good. But would they do it? History said they would not. The hurt of the people was out of necessity. They had no money and no grain. The solution taken by their “fellow Jews,” was out of greed. Decisions from one’s own perspective and point of view can be very hurtful and harmful to the common good. Take note that the decision makers were the “officials and nobles.” Thus, those who were rightly given the responsibilities and those who had the power of money, didn’t have to publicly appear, but controlled the outcomes from “afar.” Yet, it was the power of people, a great assembly, under the righteously anguish voice of Nehemiah and the Holy Spirit that convicted the “elected officials and nobles,” to act righteously for the common good.

Soon, Salt Lake City, Utah, will again experience another General Assembly of the PCUSA. The 226th! Commissioners, Delegates, and those who will have no public voice nor vote, are preparing. The 226th is going to happen. Let us pray that the righteous and sometimes anguish voice in debate will reflect the love of God for the Church. And, in so doing the common good for the whole church will manifest itself, not in power and money, but in people and service to the Kingdom of God by way of the PCUSA.

Let’s pray for the committees, the necessary actions that must be taken, for those given the responsibility and privilege to serve, for safe travel and safe returns. Let’s pray for the officials and the nobles. Let’s pray for the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. The 226th General Assembly is Here! Let’s make: “The Common Good of It!”

Rev. Dr. Charles C. Heyward, Sr., HR

NBPC President