COVID-19 Feedback NBPC Short Form

The Red (*) denotes a mandatory field.

I have asked each board member, especially our region representatives, to follow-up with our local churches, chapters and synods to see how they are doing. What are the challenges? Where do they need support? How are they worshipping?
It is during times of tremendous challenge that we have seen how people of color experience a more severe impact than members of the majority population. I am asking you to post your responses to these questions on the NBPC website (using this form).

Rev. Dr. Thomas H. Priest, Jr.
National Black Presbyterian Caucus, President

Please provide your information for our records.


Mailing Address

National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC)
P.O. Box 99696
Troy, MI 48099

"The Black Church Family, Congregation, and Community in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): Navigating Identity, Equity and Economics”

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