National Black Presbyterian Caucus

47th Biennial Conference Page

Quick Links
NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment | Open Sessions’ Zoom Recording Playback Link and Dr. Heyward’s Perspective Document

Two virtual Zoom sessions provided great opportunities to engage NBPC leadership and provide feedback on the upcoming 47th Biennial Conference in Charleston June 15-17, 2023. We have the Zoom recording playback link and the download link to a document from the National Black Presbyterian Caucus President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, III, where he share his valuable perspectives coming out of those sessions.

47th Biennial Conference of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus | NBPC Testimonial Video No. 4

We have a series of testimonial videos that share various authentic perspectives of our theme for the 47th Biennial Conference: "A Gathering of Black Presbyterians!"  We appreciate experiencing God working in each of us.

National Black Presbyterian Caucus 47th Biennial Conference – “What You Need To Know” Video

Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, NBPC President, shares the benefits of attending the conference with respect to Black Presbyterian life. Representatives selected from NBPC Chapters throughout the nation and notable PCUSA leaders invested countless hours planning a phenomenal experience for each of you in Lowcountry, South Carolina in the great city of Charleston for the conference. If you need assistance, email us at or call (502) 595-7390. See you there!

Join the Discussion with NBPC President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward! Topic: NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment

Join us on April 27, 2023 and/or April 28, 2023 as the National Black Presbyterian Caucus President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward discusses, “NBPC - The Caucus as an Investment!” These virtual sessions are great opportunities to engage NBPC leadership and provide feedback on the upcoming 47th Biennial Conference in Charleston June 15-17, 2023. Both zoom meetings (Zoom links and downloadable info sheet included) will have the same fundamental content and you are welcome to join either session that suits your schedule.

The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest

The National Black Presbyterian Caucus and The National Black Presbyterian Women Sponsors The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest. Youth entering the essay contest must be between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age. The essay submission is a two-step process , you will need to submit by email a digital copy to Ms. Avys Massey and mail a hard copy to Rev. Lydia Willingham by May 14, 2023.

47th Biennial Conference of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus | NBPC Testimonial Video No. 3

We have a series of testimonial videos that share various authentic perspectives of our theme for the 47th Biennial Conference: "A Gathering of Black Presbyterians!"  We appreciate experiencing God working in each of us.

47th Biennial Conference of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus | NBPC Testimonial Video No. 2

We have a series of testimonial videos that share various authentic perspectives of our theme for the 47th Biennial Conference: "A Gathering of Black Presbyterians!"  We appreciate experiencing God working in each of us.

47th Biennial Conference of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus | NBPC Testimonial Video No. 1

We have a series of testimonial videos that share various authentic perspectives of our theme for the 47th Biennial Conference: "A Gathering of Black Presbyterians!"  We appreciate experiencing God working in each of us.

Event Information

Theme: A Gathering of Black Presbyterians!

47th Biennial Registration is NOW OPEN!
NBPC 47th Biennial Dates: June 15th , 16th, and 17th, 2023

This will not be just a meeting of NBPC members.
It’s time for the Family to come together.

Co-Chair Elders Lynne Foreman, Destini Hodges and Judith Murphy will provide additional details that will publish in the NBPC Newsletter.  Please inform your church family, colleagues, family and friends!!



Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the FULL NBPC 47th Biennial Conference Packet
(PDF File)



Click HERE to REGISTER for the NBPC 47th Biennial Conference!
(Links to the PCUSA Event Website)



Hotel Information Section


To: All members, Pastors, Active Session Members, Elders, Deacons, Trustees, Congregational Committees, Organizational Leaders, young Adults, Youth and others who support the mission and vision of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus

Why: Room Registration is Open for the 47th Biennial Conference

What to Do: Register for your hotel room at the conference NOW and please forward this email to 5 people so that they can register.

Event Summary:

National Black Presbyterian Caucus Conference
North Charleston Marriott
4770 Goer Drive North
Charleston, South Carolina 29406

Start Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
End Date: Saturday, June 17, 2023
Last Day to Book: Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Hotel offering NBPC special group rate:
North Charleston Marriott for $161.00 USD per night

Book Your NBPC 47th Biennial Conference Hotel Room HERE!
(Links to the Hotel Website)


2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest

The National Black Presbyterian Caucus and The National Black Presbyterian Women Sponsors The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest.


Youth entering the essay contest must be between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age.

The essay submission is a two-step process, you will need to submit by email a digital copy to Ms. Avys Massey at email and mail a hard copy to Rev. Lydia Willingham (address below) by May 14, 2023.

Hard Copy Mailing Address
•   •   •

Rev. Dr. Lydia Willingham
513 Folkstone Road
Columbia, SC  29223


The National Black Presbyterian Women and the National Black Presbyterian Caucus will present cash awards, and certificates to the recipients. The winning essays may appear on the National Black Presbyterian Caucus Website, National Black Presbyterian Women Newsletters, and possibly other publication(s) released to the general public.

Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the NBPW -2023 Youth Lucy Craft Laney Essay Document!
(Microsoft Word File)

Click HERE to DOWNLOAD the 2023 Instructions for the Youth Lucy Craft Laney Contest Document!
(Microsoft Word File)


Highlights and Important Information

NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment | Open Sessions’ Zoom Recording Playback Link and Dr. Heyward’s Perspective Document

NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment | Open Sessions’ Zoom Recording Playback Link and Dr. Heyward’s Perspective Document

Two virtual Zoom sessions provided great opportunities to engage NBPC leadership and provide feedback on the upcoming 47th Biennial Conference in Charleston June 15-17, 2023. We have the Zoom recording playback link and the download link to a document from the National Black Presbyterian Caucus President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, III, where he share his valuable perspectives coming out of those sessions.

The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest

The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest

The National Black Presbyterian Caucus and The National Black Presbyterian Women Sponsors The 2023 Lucy Craft Laney Essay Contest. Youth entering the essay contest must be between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age. The essay submission is a two-step process , you will need to submit by email a digital copy to Ms. Avys Massey and mail a hard copy to Rev. Lydia Willingham by May 14, 2023.

NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment | Open Sessions’ Zoom Recording Playback Link and Dr. Heyward’s Perspective Document

NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment | Open Sessions’ Zoom Recording Playback Link and Dr. Heyward’s Perspective Document

Two virtual Zoom sessions provided great opportunities to engage NBPC leadership and provide feedback on the upcoming 47th Biennial Conference in Charleston June 15-17, 2023. We have the Zoom recording playback link and the download link to a document from the National Black Presbyterian Caucus President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, III, where he share his valuable perspectives coming out of those sessions.

Join the Discussion with NBPC President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward! Topic: NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment

Join the Discussion with NBPC President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward! Topic: NBPC – The Caucus as an Investment

Join us on April 27, 2023 and/or April 28, 2023 as the National Black Presbyterian Caucus President, Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward discusses, “NBPC - The Caucus as an Investment!” These virtual sessions are great opportunities to engage NBPC leadership and provide feedback on the upcoming 47th Biennial Conference in Charleston June 15-17, 2023. Both zoom meetings (Zoom links and downloadable info sheet included) will have the same fundamental content and you are welcome to join either session that suits your schedule.

Video Highlights and Testimonials

National Black Presbyterian Caucus 47th Biennial Conference – “What You Need To Know” Video

National Black Presbyterian Caucus 47th Biennial Conference – “What You Need To Know” Video

Rev. Dr. Charles Heyward, NBPC President, shares the benefits of attending the conference with respect to Black Presbyterian life. Representatives selected from NBPC Chapters throughout the nation and notable PCUSA leaders invested countless hours planning a phenomenal experience for each of you in Lowcountry, South Carolina in the great city of Charleston for the conference. If you need assistance, email us at or call (502) 595-7390. See you there!

Mailing Address

National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC)
P.O. Box 99696
Troy, MI 48099

"The Black Church Family, Congregation, and Community in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): Navigating Identity, Equity and Economics”

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