Your Vote Matters – Nominees Wanted for NBPC President and Treasurer Offices

Your Vote Matters – Nominees Wanted for NBPC President and Treasurer Offices

The NBPC Nominating Committee is seeking nominees for the offices of President and Treasurer. Nominating forms will be made available in March 2025 and the NBPC elections will be conducted during the 48th Biennial Conference held in Charlotte, NC from June 19-21, 2025.

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) has received a grant of $5 million from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) has received a grant of $5 million from Lilly Endowment Inc.

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) has received a grant of $5 million from Lilly Endowment Inc. through its Ministry in Rural Areas and Small Towns Initiative. The grant will support the LPTS Black Church Rural & Small Towns Ministry Initiative (BCRSMI), under the direction and care of Rev. Dr. Perzavia Praylow, Director of Black Church Studies and Assistant Professor of Historical Theology and Black Church Studies at LPTS.