NBPC President’s Corner | July 19, 2024

NBPC President’s Corner | July 19, 2024

The Repair of Historical Harms: Does It Matter? | Romans 13:8 • The Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA) heard clearly an outstanding debt was due at the 225th General Assembly (June 22). That debt is due largely to Black Presbyterians and other faithful People of Color, all members of the PCUSA and their communities. The Assembly acted to establish: “The Center for the Repair of Historical Harms.”

‘We are all family’ –  NBPC Gathers to Celebrate and Remember | 226th General Assembly (2024)

‘We are all family’ – NBPC Gathers to Celebrate and Remember | 226th General Assembly (2024)

‘We are all family’ – National Black Presbyterian Caucus gathers to celebrate and remember | 226th General Assembly (2024). The joy of the roomful of members and friends who gathered for the National Black Presbyterian Caucus’ “Meet the President” event. Read the full article on PC(USA)’s website written by Emily Enders Odom.